Your family dentist in Cypress

There are only two ways an implant can lose attachment to the bone and fail once it has successfully fused:

  • poor oral hygiene
  • excessive biting forces.

Poor oral hygiene and/or a lack of regular cleanings can lead to a destructive bacterial infection called peri-implantitis.

Flossing and brushing your teeth on a daily basis, along with regular professional cleanings, can prevent this.

Excessive biting forces can come from either a habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, or an insufficient number of implants to handle the forces generated by your bite.

We will make sure you receive the correct number of implants so this does not happen. And if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, we will recommend wearing a nightguard to protect your implants. After all, implants are a long-term investment in your smile, your health and your well-being, so let’s do our best to protect your investment.